Presentations at Camp Crucible

Our household is presenting two classes at Camp Crucible in the coming week, so this is mostly for the benefit of folks attending Camp Crucible. Apologies to anyone else, though if you find these interesting, please take a look at the Upcoming Workshop, or if you have an event where you might be interested in seeing these or related presentations, let me know!
The Psychological Basics of Mastery
4pm – 5:30pm Saturday 6/4
An educated car-owner knows something about the systems, engine, and maintenance of his car. As Masters we own the mind, choices, and will of our slaves. Shouldn’t we know the basics of what makes them tick. This is a basic overview of how people work, with a focus on the issues most common to BDSM, including some theories and models to help understand why people seek Mastery or Slavery and how some common issues of trauma contribute to masochism and sadism. The aim of the Class is to give the new master a basic toolbox for understanding “contradictory” or “subversive” behavior in a slave, and construct a personal system of Mastery that is consistent, rewarding, and growth oriented. This class will not teach you how to take care of your slaves mental and emotional needs, but it will give you the tools to discover that for yourself.
Position Training and Drill for the Slave/Servant
10:30 – 11:30am Monday 5/30
Master James, miranda and jenn present a drill of nearly 50 submissive, glamor, modeling, service and punishment positions for submissives culled from dozens of different sources. The workshop explores position training and drill in relation to leather history, and the benefit of position training as part of overall slave and servant training protocol. We also address the issue of customizing the positions for servants with limited flexibility due to injury, body composition, etc.
Includes participatory demo, and a discussion of the use of posture and positions in the training of slaves/servants, and a demo of gait training, all working on the theory that servants should not only be intelligent and sexy, but look sharp and present well in order to reflect well on their Master and Household.
While the specific position drill for the class was designed to show off the female-presenting submissive to best advantage, some of the positions were originally designed for male submission or military discipline, so we hope there is something for everyone to share and learn.
About the Household
The Household of Master James, and servants JayLynn, and Miranda pairs power-exchange with a focus on communications that goes beyond the Master-servant relationship to work towards harmony and good feelings in all the relationships within the household. Based in the Washington DC Metro area, the Household works to study, understand and present on, the psychology, structure, and dynamics of power exchange. This working household focuses as much or more strongly on good interpersonal dynamics, a shared vision, and forwarding our work within the Community as on “meeting Master’s needs.” Master James is a Certified Hypnotherapist, and his focus has been on the human mind, including the urges to dominate, submit, and experience pain, as well as the potential for BDSM to provide a cathartic outlet to enrich our lives. Master James has presented on Hypnosis, and the Psychological aspects of M/s for BR and Camp Crucible 2010.
An account of the development of this M/s Household is chronicled in an essay that appears in Power Circuits: Polyamory in a Power Dynamic, edited by Raven Kaldera, (2011, Alfred Press). Master James provides resources, as well as his own “wit and wisdom” on M/s and other fetish topics at, and the Household is active with MAsT and the DC M/s Community both through events and through writing. The Household’s current project is a full day seminar on Psychology within an M/s dynamic, planned for late summer of this year.
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